Nashr qilingan: 05/07/2024

Toyota RAV4 Hybrid • 2020 • 37,485 km

Naqd pul
$ 13,500 USD

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
RAV4 Hybrid
37485 km
$ 13,500 USD
12 shiling
Contact us for more information


WARRANTY We give 1 year warranty for every product sold to our customers, our products are company class 1 tested and approved by global standard organization of wireless industries. Kindly report any failure in the product purchased with proof within the warranty period and our courier will pick up the defective products within 7 business days for a change. RETURN/REFUND POLICY Your satisfaction is our goal. Please inspect your order upon delivery. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please return your merchandise within 90 days for a prompt and courteous exchange or refund, whichever you prefer. The refund is 100% guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the products purchased. Please note: The item must be returned in its original packaging in salable condition. Ready for Information Contact us for fast and quick response WhatsApp: +1 773 280 8705 CALL :: +17732808705 Botim: +17732808705 Telegram: : +1 518 480 7198

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot


✓ Avtopilot
✓ Budilnik yonadi
✓ Bort kompyuteri
✓ Katlanadigan orqa o'rindiq
✓ Elektr lyuk
✓ Ksenonli faralar
✓ Kubok egasi
✓ Uyingizda yuk tashish javoni


✓ ABS tormoz tizimlari
✓ Signal
✓ Qotishma g'ildiraklar
✓ Haydovchining havo yostig'i
✓ Elektron tormoz kuchini tarqatuvchi
✓ Haydovchi va yo'lovchilar uchun xavfsizlik yostig'i
✓ Ateşleme qulflash tizimi
✓ Old tuman chiroqlari
✓ Yomg'ir sensori
✓ Orqa tuman chiroqlari
✓ Orqa muzdan tushirish
✓ Shiqillagan panjara
✓ Yon xavfsizlik yostiqchalari
✓ Barqarorlikni boshqarish
✓ Uchinchi tormoz nuri olib keldi
✓ Pardalar uchun havo yostig'i


✓ Konditsioner
✓ Rulda balandligini sozlash
✓ Avtomatik sozlash bilan faralar
✓ Orqa o'rindiqlar ustidagi cheklovlar
✓ Balandligi sozlanishi haydovchi o'rindig'i
✓ Teridan ishlangan
✓ Yorug'lik sensori
✓ To'xtash sensori
✓ Elektr kristallari
✓ Magistralni masofadan chiqarish
✓ Elektr o'rindiqlar
✓ Elektr eshik qulflari
✓ Avtomatik oynani yopish
✓ Orqa ko'rinish oynalarini elektr boshqaruvi


✓ Bluetooth
✓ CD
✓ Mp3 pleer
✓ SD-karta
✓ USB port

Tashqi makon

✓ Old tampon
✓ Bo'yalgan bamperlar
✓ Zaxira g'ildirak ushlagichi
✓ Dengiz qalpoqchasi
✓ Qopqoqning qopqog'i
✓ Orqa tozalagich